Monday, 21 January 2013

Create 3D Glass Text effect in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

We will start from creating shattered text look in illustrator and applying 3d effect to it. Then we will move to Photoshop where we will give our text a glass style and finally giving it a 3d shattered glass look.

To begin with we will first work in Adobe Illustrator.
Open Illustrator and create a new document of size 2 x 2in.
Using Type Tool write any text. Here I am using “GLASS” as my text.

Convert the text to Outline by going to Type>Create Outlines and give it color #BFBFBF

Now using Pen Tool create a random shape as shown in the image.

Using Pathfinder hit Divide. This will shatter our text and will create many shapes.

Now ungroup the entire thing. Goto Outline mode by pressing Ctrl+Y and delete the lines outside the main text intersection.

Come back to the preview mode by click CTRL+Y again.
Now move the parts randomly one by one to give text a shatter look.

Copy and paste few more parts from the text itself to give it more shatter look.

We will now apply 3D effect to our text. Goto Effect> 3D> Extrude & Bevel. And enter the values as given in the figure.

Click on more option and adjust the lights. Drop the Ambient light value to 0 and creating two more lights and sending one to back of the object and adjusting them accordingly. This will give more depth to our text.

Expand the appearance of the object by going to Object> Expand Appearance.

Ungroup the object entirely. Select the entire object and using Pathfinder select Trim.

Ungroup the objects again. Now select all the top layer object of our text and group them. Remember not to include any extruded shapes in this group.

Now group the remaining objects.

Scale the text bigger and export our Illustrator work as Photoshop PSD. Save it with the default settings.
Remember to scale the text bigger or else it will pixelate when scaled in photoshop.

Open Photoshop and create a new document of size 800x800px. Set the background color to #021919.
Create a new layer and using soft brush paint it giving soft light effect.

Open the main text effect file (“Glass Shatter Text Effect.psd” in this case) and drag and drop in the new document which we have created. Rename the layers to Top & Bottom as shown in the figure.

Duplicate the “Bottom” layer and turn the eye off of both “Bottom” layers.

Now we will give our text a glass look. Select the “Top” layer and set the value of Fill to 0, double click the layer to add a Layer Style to it. Use the setting as shown in the images.

Here we get the glass effect for the top layer.
Now we will apply layer style to the “Bottom” layer. Set the Fill of this layer also to 0
Set the values as shown in the images below.

Now Select “Bottom copy” layer and change the blending mode to Color Dodge with opacity to 25%. It will give some 3d depth to the “Bottom” layer. You can see the little effect

Final Image.....

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