Thursday, 24 January 2013

Create a Polished 3d Gold Text Effect in Photoshop

Please create new document. You can do this by pressing Ctrl+N.
Use dark grey for a background. To do this press Shift+Backspace, and from the drop down menu choose color.

Select Horizontal Type Tool and type what you want, with desired font. Font I used is New Athletic M54. Color of the type is not important for now.

We will use Layer Styles to style the layer.
Inner Shadow:

Outer Glow:

Inner Glow:

Bevel and Embos:

Gradient Overlay:


This is how it should look so far.

Now right-click on text layer and choose Convert to Smart object.

Then right-click on layer and choose Rasterize Layer

Create 3 copies of your layer by pressing Ctrl+J 3 times. Name them as follows.

Next choose Layer named “bottom” and while holding Shift press Down Arrow twice, then choose “middle” and again while holding Shift press Down Arrow once.

Now with “middle” selected go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur

After this still while “middle” selected press Ctrl+J 15 times, then select all copies of middle layers (you can do this by pressing “middle copy 15″ and while holding shift scroll to “middle” and click on it) then press Ctrl+E to merge these layers. Now again you will have three layers.

Please select “top” layer and apply Drop Shadow:

Select “middle copy 15″ layer and apply Layer Styles:
Inner Shadow:

Inner Glow:

and Color Overlay:

Select “bottom” layer and apply Drop Shadow:

and Inner Shadow:

Final image....

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